Friday, March 27, 2009

The Etsy EART Team Blog Carnival!

The EART Team is starting the Blog Carnival!
What is a Blog Carnival, you ask?

We think blog carnivals are a great way for bloggers to recognize each other's efforts, organize blog posts around important topics, and improve the overall level of conversation in the blogosphere. Carnivals come in edited "editions", just like magazines or journals. The fact that carnivals are edited (and usually annotated) collections of links lets them serve as "magazines" within the blogosphere, and carnival hosts can earn their readership by providing high quality collections.

Since blog carnivals include lots of posts on specific topics, they also serve as a place to connect with those who are expert (or at least highly opinionated!) and those who are interested in that field.


Eclectic Artisans Blog Carnival


How does it work?

*IF* you want to participate, you will write ONE blog ENTRY on your own blog that answers the topic/question of the month!

You will do it by the last day of the month!


For the first month, there will be two different topics *ONLY* because we are a brand new blog carnival!

The first topic: Business Wish List

Create a wish list of up to 5 things/objects/items and describe why they are on your wish list for your small business!


Once you write your blog post (anytime during the month) you will click on the blog carnival widget *submit an article*

Paste in your blog article link and you are done!

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